Sunday, June 12, 2005

Budhha & the Lotus Bloom...

Years of drudgery....months of agony.......weeks of despair......
--all turned black when I first smelled the colour of joy....
The day unfolded into a lotus bloom....
The Budhha in disguise held his head high and took me into his closet...
The tender touch of the beloved....the feel of the abode...
--turned special as both of us walked hand in hand by the river side where the calmness of the waterflow touched our hearts....
I was for once in love with the serenity of the place.....
....the leaves of fall
....the warmth of the spirit hold me once and for all-
Asked me would I be in unison could I behold the sky?
I just swept pass the breeze and lost myself in those shadowy stretch of the wild forest..
.... where the eternal beauty took me in her arms and left for the dreamland in the galactic ship of the spacewars...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another spaceship? You seem to travell a lot these days? ;-)

Thanks for your kind words about my blog - but it seems there is a small garden of enlightenment growing here as well?