Monday, June 06, 2005

Fleeting past life like a train of light...

Fleeting pass a ray of light!

This shot was taken a year back but I thought to put it on my blog today so that those willing to see my portfolio gets a glimpse of it...

The evening on which I took the image was an uncommon one! Never did we know that this was going to be our then Prime Minister of the NDA Govt..Atal'jis last visit to Kolkata, the city of Joy as a PM...

Our honourable PM was to drive by our home and I was standing on the first floor verandah to get a glimpse of him...rather his car!! i realised rather later.. I was holding my cushababe..trusty Sony Cybershot and his car was still nowhere in the sight when suddenly I just took up my cam and started shooting. After taking a few shots I reviewed the images I had taken and this image struck me as of myself shooting past a great world like a beam of light......

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