Saturday, June 11, 2005

Frozen Ice of my distant heart...

The feelings are like the frozen ice of my distant heart...
The touch struck a chord within me....waiting for the joy....waiting for the moment...
--the day's beginning came to an end as darkness crept in through the farflung oceans....
....but out of the colour of black rose the smell of the joyous-
....and it is something which I shall forget never-ever!
Word seems to flow.....mind seems to flow....
---they were the only possessions I had, before I came into this world to smell its love....
But as the day showered in the light to make me think out to the loud...
.....reach out to the unknown!
Words seemed less.....the Mind turned unmindful
It is then when I first felt your absence...
....since you were not there to be with me at the time of my creation
The first touch of feeling special....the first touch of the unknown...The Touch of Thy Love...


Rajasree said...

Thanks Arch...its really an honour to get responses like this from fellow bloggers like you...

Anonymous said...

There are things beyond and there are things within and we do choose some things we do not understand, and sometimes things we choose blesses us .. and then we forget again and move on ... bless us all, you me and the guiding love.